Picsil Falcon Grips

299 kr

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Super tough, maximum durability and now with an inner layer to give you more soft touch and less friction with the palm of your hand.

The Falcon Grips are the are the most resistant grips in the world.They are made of patented material that ensures maximum durability and resistance.At first, they are a bit harsh. But it is easy to shape them with the use without losing their strength and durability.Athletes from around the world use them daily on their way to Madison.

What’s my syze?

Choose if you want to protect the palm of the hand (Size 1) if you are one of those who want to protect the fingers, make the gymnastic fold or do not put your fingers directly (Size 2).

Measure           1          2
8cm                   XS          S
8-9cm                S           M
9-10,5cm          M           L
10,5-11,5cm     L           XL
11,5cm+           XL         XL